Sahar Derakhshan

Dr. Sahar Derakhshan is Assistant Professor in Geography and Anthropology at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. Derakhshan received her doctorate in geography from University of South Carolina, and Master of Public Policy (MPP) from University of California, Berkeley, and holds a master’s degree in Disaster management, and a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. Derakhshan employs geospatial analytics in her interdisciplinary research to study and assess the effect of inequalities, and social and economic status, in taking action to foster change in disaster recovery and mitigation planning. Her work experience extends from industry to research institutions including projects for the World Bank for risk assessment and National Academy of Sciences (Gulf Research Program) for community resilience measurements. Derakhshan is also an affiliated researcher at the Hazards, Vulnerability & Resilience Institute (HVRI), University of South Carolina, and at the Institute of Environment and Sustainability (IoES), University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

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