Dr. Marleen de Ruiter

Marleen de Ruiter is an Assistant Professor at the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) at VU University Amsterdam. Her research focuses on multi-hazard and consecutive disasters, improving modelling capabilities and understanding of the complexities and dynamics of multi-hazard risk. She is also interested in assessing the (potential adverse) impacts of Disaster Risk Reduction measures across different hazards. In 2023, she was granted a four-year research project by the Dutch Science Council to work on the development of a Dynamic Bayesian Network model for the consecutive occurrence of hazards followed by disease outbreaks. She manages the Myriad-EU project, she co-leads the RiskKAN working group on early warning systems for systemic risk, and she is associate editor of Earth’s Future. She has been awarded the EGU Early Career Researcher award which will be granted to her during the 2024 General Assembly. She is currently involved in the supervision of seven PhDs on topics related to multi-hazard risk and post-disaster recovery. Her PhD research focused on the temporal dynamics of disaster vulnerability. Before that, she obtained her MSc degree in Environmental and Resource Management from the University of British Columbia (Canada) where she looked at disaster vulnerability of coastal communities and their post-disaster recovery.

Contact Dr. de Ruiter: m.c.de.ruiter@vu.nl