Dr. Azin Al Kajbaf

Dr. Azin Al Kajbaf is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Johns Hopkins University and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

She received her Ph.D. degree in Disaster Resilience from the University of Maryland. Her dissertation focused on sources of uncertainty in probabilistic hazard assessments of coastal precipitation hazards under current and future climatic conditions. Particularly, sources of uncertainty arising from the application of machine learning methods and statistical modeling choices were explored. At NIST, she is collaborating on projects to support community resilience planning through the development of methods and tools that evaluate the economic impacts of disruptive events while accounting for stakeholder perceptions and associated decisions related to future event uncertainty and co-benefit (co-cost) valuation.

Contact Dr. Al Kajbaf: azin.alkajbaf@nist.gov