
Business recovery from disasters: Lessons from natural hazards and the COVID-19 pandemic
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
October 2022

Degree and direction of overlap between social vulnerability and community resilience measurements
October 2022

Implementing Disaster Policy: Exploring Scale and Measurement Schemes for Disaster Resilience
Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
May 2019

Modeling economic impacts of mobility restriction policy during the COVID-19 pandemic
Risk Analysis
January 2023

Estimating Lifeline Resilience Factors Using Post-Disaster Business Recovery Data
Earthquake Spectra
September 2020

A Methodology for Estimating Business Interruption Loss Caused by Flood Disasters: Insights from Business Surveys after Tokai Heavy Rain in Japan
Natural Hazards
August 2016

Methods and Lessons for Business Resilience and Recovery Surveys
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
May 2023

Annotated Bibliography of Key Publications on Business and Economic Recovery from Disasters
CONVERGE COVID-19 Working Groups for Public Health and
Social Sciences Research

January 2023

Disaster Assistance Winners and Losers: Do Small Businesses Benefit?
Journal of The American Planning Association
December 2021

The Role of SBA Loans in Small Business Survival after Disaster Events
Journal of Planning Education and Research
June 2021

Why We Can No Longer Ignore Consecutive Disasters
Earth’s Future
January 2020

The Challenges of Dynamic Vulnerability and How to Assess It
August 2022

A New Method to Compile Global Multi-Hazard
Event Sets
Scientific Reports
August 2023

Using Disaster Surveys to Model Business Interruption
Natural Hazards Review
October 2023

Intersections of small business mobility, adaptive capacity, and resilience during crises
International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters
September 2023

Complex Disaster Impacts, Resilience, and Recovery among Small- and Medium- Businesses: A Federal Research Portfolio Approach
International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters
September 2023

Deciphering small business community disaster support using machine learning
PLOS Climate
March 2023

A Framework for Characterizing Uncertainty Factors in Postdisaster Structural Performance Assessment Data
Natural Hazards Review
November 2022

Natural hazards compound COVID-19 impacts on small businesses disproportionately for historically underrepresented group operators
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
April 2022

The dynamics of cross-sector collaboration in disasters
Disaster Prevention and Management
April 2023

Fortune favours the digitally mature: The impact of digital maturity on the organisational resilience of SME retailers during COVID-19
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management
July 2022

Organizational Resilience in Action: A Study of a Large Scale, Extended-Disaster Setting
The Research Handbook of Organisational Resilience
August 2020

What drives feelings of responsibility for disaster preparedness? A case of power failures in Finland and New Zealand
Risk, Hazards, and Crisis in Public Policy
January 2023

Employee wellbeing in post-disaster settings
The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Wellbeing

Critical Perspectives On Disaster And Crisis Research: Revealing And Responding To Vulnerability
Research in Times of Crisis
September 2021

Employee resilience: development and validation of a measure
Journal of Managerial Psychology
July 2019

Strategies to enhance employee well-being and organisational performance in a postcrisis environment: A case study
Contingencies and Crisis Management
May 2018

Business and Post-disaster Management: Business, organisational and consumer resilience and the Christchurch earthquakes